happy new




Roasted Koalas now on special for $5.98/lb. at WorldMart. Help make the Worldbanger family richer and happier by buying some today.

Excuse this macabre opening to a New Year’s message but if you can’t laugh, you gotta cry at what is on top of the news these days. Few human lives have been lost in the Australian Apocalypse so far but millions of animals won’t wake up tomorrow. So where is the story of citizens rioting and hauling off their idiot of a prime minster to the gallows? But the Murdoch Media has the populace zombified and only marching to the tune of their next paycheque.

In the year 2020, we will get a clear vision of what is in store for the next decade, whether the world will continue down a path towards authoritarian capitalism or take a sharp left turn to libertarian socialism. The American presidential elections will be the tipping point when either Trump gets back in or his opponent wins the race. The status quo will not hold. If the Democrats put forth a “moderate” candidate in an attempt to tweak the status quo sufficiently, they will fail. Only Bernie Sanders has enough credibility to make a real difference.

Of course, if he wins then the right wing will mobilize all their forces to attempt a coup. It won’t be pretty. Think Spain in 1936. If Trump wins, his war on people and the environment will swing into high gear. Either way, the future does not look bright in the short term.

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